Amalfi Wedding Planner


  • Michael and Lisa

    Dear Mr. Raf,
    It’s hard to believe that one month ago today, we were fortunate enough to land on the Amalfi coast and into your capable arms. More »

  • Dominick and Jessica

    When we decided to have a destination wedding, we obviously hoped for a fairy tale but knew it could become a nightmare. More »

  • Ben and Kirsty 2022

    We had a wonderful day for our small intimate wedding ceremony at Casa Angelina.

    Mr Raf was recommended by the hotel, and he made the whole planning process seamless – especially from a different country.

    He was fast to respond and recommended excellent suppliers.

    Mr Raf was fantastic on the day too – it was a pleasure to have him perform our ceremony.

    He put everyone at ease with his friendly and energetic persona and made the ceremony a very memorable occasion!

    Thank you Mr Raf!

    Ben and Kirsty

  • Stephen and Gina – 2019

    Mr. Raf,

    we wanted to tell you how happy we were to have you as a part of our special day as a celebrant.

    You were amazing in every way and we are so thankful for you!
    Stephen & Gina

  • Trevor and June – 2018

    Ciao Mr. Raf!

    Thanks so much for officiating our wedding. You were wonderful and we loved having you there!
    Trevor and June
mr. raf weddings

Chi sono

Mi chiamo Raffaele ma tutti mi chiamano Mister Raf. Sono nativo della Costiera Amalfitana, e sono orgoglioso di essere originario di questo angolo di paradiso.
Lavoro nel campo del turismo dal 1994 come parte dello Staff della Ma.Ra. Touring Point, sia come guida autorizzata e sia come coordinatore di matrimoni

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Ben e Kirsty

Cerimonia simbolica

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Beau e Nadine

Cerimonia simbolica

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Jennifer e Vanessa

Un matrimonio romantico.

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Richard e Jennifer

Matrimonio religioso

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Marius e Ernesta

Matrimonio civile

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Mark e Amanda

Matrimonio religioso


In Costiera Amalfitana è possibile organizzare qualsiasi tipo di cerimonia desideriate per il vostro matrimonio: religiosa, civile o simbolica. Posso proporvi una vasta scelta di soluzioni per venire incontro alle vostre esigenze. Basta chiedere, tutto è possibile.